Reroute Traffic

Your IP address is

Feral is an ISP. An ISP can decide how traffic leaves its network via different routes. Some routes are better than others (e.g. lower latency or higher throughput). The default option is "most direct" which works well for most routes.

This page allows you to override the default choice and select the route Feral uses for your IP address.

Analogy: you're in France and want to visit Germany. Imagining each country as a different ISP, how can you get there? You can take a road via Belgium, Switzerland or go directly across the border. However, different things may be happening on the roads at different times of the day. Switzerland might be trying to set up tolls. The Belgian route might be undergoing repairs. The direct route might see congestion during rush hours.

To use this page, change the route and then test to see if it's better. The routes are in order of most to least preferred. You can change the route as many times as necessary. The effect is immediate and will not cause any disruption while switching routes.


Via Prefix Next hop AS path 1299, 16509 1299, 16509 6830, 16509


The reroute page contains a lot of technical detail. Knowing this detail isn't essential to using the reroute page; using trial and error is enough. Below are some terms that might help in building an understanding if it interests you:

A block or collection of IP addresses. For example, the prefix contains all IP addresses in the range to (inclusive).
Via (table column)
The name of the network the route would use (if any).
Next hop
The next IP address after leaving Feral's network. Shown on traceroutes from Feral to your IP.
Short for autonomous system and represents an ISP. An AS is able to make routing decisions like this page allows.
Short for autonomous system number. Each AS has an identifying number. Feral's ASN is 200052.
AS path
Shows the different ISPs used to route traffic for a prefix. Always finishes with your ISP's ASN.
The AS path column links to this site and usually leads to an ISP's peering record. An ISP fills out their own record to describe their ASN.
Default (table option)
Removes any applied overrides.
Short for border gateway protocol. BGP is a protocol that an AS uses to exchange routes with another AS.
A prefix coupled with information on how to use it as a route. Each table entry above represents a route.